Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Guest Post: Lauri Kranz of Snow & Voices

This is a guest post by Lauri Kranz of Snow & Voices, the dreamy LA-based duo who released their third album Anything That Moves in 2010.

Lauri talks about the song that has inspired her the most. In her own words: "It’s just one song but, a killer."

"Famous Blue Raincoat"
By Leonard Cohen

This is not going to be perfect. It is difficult to put into words sometimes the things that hit us the hardest, unless you are Leonard Cohen. "Famous Blue Raincoat" is one of my favorite songs of all time, a song to break your heart by. Leonard Cohen’s voice is darkly beautiful. His words expose the foibles of us all, turning our mistakes and blunders into a great symphony. I heard this song again after a long absence while driving in Los Angeles on one of the few rainy days that we have here. I heard the opening chords and pulled the car over up high on Mulholland. I wanted no distractions. I was in the hands of a master. There is a great comfort in existing in this other world, even if for just five minutes and seven seconds.

I urge you to listen. Try shutting the lights down and lie very still. Put this song on the speakers and see if it doesn’t fill a space inside of you.

Someone told me recently that no one in their twenties even knows this song exists. I hope they are wrong. I needed this song when I was twenty just as much as I need it now. I take it with me wherever I go.

-Lauri Kranz
Snow & Voices

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